Brittany Ginsburg Brittany Ginsburg

Team Sharing Inc - Grief Support for Parents

The Massachusetts RMV has approved TEAM SHARING’s proposed Overdose Awareness plate – but they need 750 committed supporters for the plates to be produced. For just $40, you can reserve your plate and help spread awareness!

Apply Online Here!

Cheryl and her team will be at SoberFest with Applications and additional information! Please be sure to stop by and learn about the amazing resources Team Sharing has to offer our community!

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Brittany Ginsburg Brittany Ginsburg


48,183 Americans died by suicide in 2021.

1.7 million Americans attempted suicide in 2021.

Females were 1.8x more likely to attempt suicide.

Men died by suicide 3.9x more often than females

90% of those who died by suicide had a diagnosable mental health condition at the time of their death.

Over one third of people who died by suicide were 55 and older.

53% of all suicides were by firearms.

54% of firearm deaths were suicides.

72% of communities in the United States did not have enough mental health providers to serve residents in 2021, according to federal guidelines.

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Brittany Ginsburg Brittany Ginsburg

Grieving My Sport

I’m going through old videos trying to find footage of my tumbling to better rehabilitate my injuries and came across this video of my last trip to worlds in 2016.

I can’t help but share this. I have the chills the entire time I watch it. I want to cry any time I hear the music or even think about cheering.

It’s taken me a long time to be able to watch an entire routine without quickly shutting it off because it’s too much emotion for me to handle.

I’m grateful to be in a space where I can truly appreciate the experiences I was able to be a part of. I hope our generation continues to break the mold by talking openly about mental illness and addiction.

It’s little things like this that make sobriety so beautiful. It’s not just looking back on old footage. It’s remembering how small I felt back then. My insecurities were screaming. I didn’t have enough confidence to ask a teammate to take videos of my tumbling because I felt I’d be coming off self centered.

The people around me were nothing but loving, supportive, and motivating. Yet I was stuck in my head. If I wasn’t the absolute best, I’d put in half the effort or play it off like I wasn’t trying at all or make a joke of myself.

If I knew then what I know now, I could have gotten some help and maybe been a bit more present.

At the end of the day, cheer was a huge part of my life and was probably the last thing that held my attention over alcohol for a bit. I’m blessed to have met all the people I met because of this sport. What an honor it was to be a part of such an incredible program, family, and team filled with genuinely amazing human beings.

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Brittany Ginsburg Brittany Ginsburg

Alcohol Mortalities and Data

There are 140,557 alcohol-related deaths in the United States each year. 82,279 of the deaths are attributable to long term health failure from drinking. There are 13,384 drunk driving deaths in the U.S. annually.

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Brittany Ginsburg Brittany Ginsburg

SoberFest 2023

Sober Fest is an annual event produced by The Pink Cloud Connect, Inc. Sober Fest is aimed to honor those we’ve lost to mental illness and addiction, celebrate those in recovery, help those in need, and hopefully breakdown some negative stigmas placed on mental health and addiction.

Our goal is to provide more education and understanding within the community. Addiction does not discriminate. Whether it’s headline news or not, people within our community are suffering. Right now. The death rates continue to increase year after year.

We are surrounded by free addiction/ recovery educational tools and resources right here in our community. Our goal is to continue spreading awareness so people know where to turn when addiction or untreated mental illness begins to impact their lives.

The drugs and alcohol aren’t going anywhere so we must come together as a community to implement healthy coping strategies and an inviting, intriguing recovery community.

There will be various recovery resources at SoberFest. It is important to emphasize that each individual has their own unique recovery journey. It’s not one size fits all. We aim to show the community that there’s more to recovery than preconceived stereotypes.

We will have speakers throughout the afternoon to provide strength and hope to those who are still suffering. There will be live music, vendors, and mocktails during the day, with the Annual Chelmsford Overdose Vigil wrapping up the day at sunset.

Anyone is welcome to come! No need to be in recovery or publicly announce your sobriety if you are in recovery.

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Brittany Ginsburg Brittany Ginsburg

Neil Strauss

Neil Strauss, Neuroplasticity, and Retraining Our Brains in Early Recovery

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