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Morning Routine 1

Having a healthy morning routine is absolutely essential to optimizing our mood, productivity, and overall well-being. Science has proven that creating healthy habits in the early moments of our days enhances our quality of life by increasing the feel good chemicals in our brains.

To understand the importance of these daily habits, we must first get a grasp on hormones and their functions in our bodies. Hormones directly impact mood, metabolism, growth, sexual health, reproduction, and the ability for our organs to operate properly.

Cortisol is one of the main hormones our bodies produce. This stress hormone is essential for survival and is responsible for our “fight or flight” instincts. As we awaken from our sleep, cortisol “is released in excess for approximately 30-40 minutes” then tapers off throughout the day. This process is referred to as the body’s Cortisol Awakening Response.

As we go about our mornings, our bodies will naturally lower our cortisol levels, allowing relief from the anxiety producing “fight or flight” we are experiencing. Having chronically high levels of cortisol, however, will keep your body in a continuous state of “fight or flight”, leading to increased anxiety and inflammation, and disrupted sleep patterns.

So how can we fix this? The simplest answer is to slow down in the morning and engage in calming, mindful practices, allowing our bodies and minds to adjust to our awakened state.

Guided Meditation

I always recommend utilizing guided meditation. We live in a wonderful time where we have access to many tools and resources right at our fingertips. Without having to move from our beds, we can simply YouTube “guided meditation”. Personally, I’ve grown attached to Jason Stephenson, but there are millions of others. If you need a starting point, see Brittany's Favorite Guided Meditations.

As I wake up, I switch my nighttime mantras to morning meditation. This allows my mind to slowly wake up and experience positive, calming affirmations, resulting in an all around calming sensation.

Guided meditation may sound intimidating if you’ve never tried it, but I assure you, this simple addition to your morning routine is one of the easiest to implement.

Meditation in general is scientifically proven to

  • activate the vagus nerve which is responsible for activating a parasympathetic response (allowing us to rest, digest, heal, & repair)

  • reduce anxiety and depression (lowering our cortisol levels)

  • increase focus and productivity

  • boost joy and create positive energy

  • slow down our heart rates, relieving stress and anxiety.

Hydrate First Thing in the Morning

Hydration ensures our bodies ability to produce serotonin. If you’re unfamiliar with serotonin, the quick definition is the neurotransmitter responsible emotional stability, happiness, and the regulation of most bodily functions, such as bowel movements.

As we sleep, our bodies naturally utilize the water in our systems, resulting in dehydration upon awakening.

Hydration not only improves mood and brain functionality, but is essential for

  • regulating body temperature

  • lubricating and cushioning joints

  • protecting spinal cord and tissue

  • cleansing body of wastes

Hydrating early in the morning is a simple, quick way to ensure our bodies have the fuel needed to focus and maintain a happy, healthy life.

Tomorrow, I’ll be going in depth on the importance of incorporating gratitude lists, stretching, and reading into your morning routines.

Source Links

Thau L, Gandhi J, Sharma S. Physiology, Cortisol. [Updated 2022 Aug 29]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:

5 Important Hormones

Morning Routine Essential for Well-Being

CDC - Benefits of Drinking Water